On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 08:38:29AM +1000, Ben Leslie wrote:
> On Thu, 03 May 2001, Secret Squirrel wrote:
> > Could someone please explain the difference
> > in laptop screens ? XVGA UXGA TFT etc etc,
> > 
> > What's good and what totally sucks ? (i've
> > seen some poor looking screens on budget
> > Gateway 2000s, are these TFTs ?
> afaik XVGA and UXGA are basically just going to tell you 
> what res the screen can run at. I long stopped trying to
>  keep up with acronyms and just looked at what it actually
> says the res and colour properties are.

yep me too
> TFT is the technology used to make the screen. TFT is generally
> "active" compared to the other type with is usually refered
> to as "passive". You really really really want and active 
> screen.

depends on price, but active is better for sure.
The biggest difference I've noticed is passive ones look dark
if you look at the screen from an angle rather than straight
in front.  Passive also can be slower to draw to.
> ersonally I wouldn't buy a laptop on spec, I would want to
> use it first, mainly you need to consider other things such
> as size and weight, how easy the keyboard is to use, how damn
> hot the thing runs etc. The specs aren't really don't compare to 
> actually using it.

yep definitely.  I bought mine second hand and was able to
directly compare a Toshiba pentium 166 against a "no name"
type pentium 233 and the toshiba was way faster to use.


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