On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 04:32:13PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hi,
> I've been asked to get diald working, as mentioned last week.
> It needs to dial an ISP who starts ppp spontaneously about 2
> seconds after your password goes in (please don't debate
> that point, as I've gone in with minicom and that's what happens).
> I've been able to get in with wvdial, which has kindly set up the
> password in both /etc/ppp/pap-secrets and chap-secrets.
> However, I can't seem to get diald up. What happens is that it dials
> and handshakes and dies leaving the message:
> Peer is not authorised to use remote address
> which is presumably the P-t-P address that ppp0 was going to get.

This is only a good guess. You have told your PPP to have an IP address
which the router (at your ISP) doesnt agree with.

Your ISP (in case you have a permanent connection) will have given
you some details, including the static IP address.

But pppd will handle this for you and set up the ip address for you.

/usr/share/doc/pppXXXX will tell you how to get this to work.
man pppd will tell you which files it uses.

If you have a look at an earlier discussion about pppd you
will get all the info you require to set up a ppp connection.


f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgmmng. [Anon]

|            __, Jobst Schmalenbach, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Technical Director|
|  _ _.--'-n_/   Barrett Consulting Group P/L & The Meditation Room P/L      |
|-(_)------(_)=  +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia|

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