<quote who="Andy Eager">

> Given imap's apparent lack of configuration (for anything), how does it 
> know which directory to get my mail from [ //var/spool/mail//<user>].

I'm assuming you're using 'imapd', which is the horrible, disgusting, evil
creation that makes a mockery of mail users and admins everywhere... right?

That's where it gets its mail from, full stop. It's the Way.

> Is this one of those programs that needs to be configured in the source 
> code ?

Kinda. Just say no. Use Courier IMAP instead, and leave mbox and imapd
behind. Remember, Cookie the Kookaburra says: IT'S OKAY TO SAY NO.

- Jeff

      "Linux continues to have almost as much soul as James Brown." -       
                             Forrest Cook, LWN                              

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