Hey dudes,

For the record, the sol to my pppd over null modem cable 
problem was
to use the keyword `local' in the pppd command
at both ends.

Commands (actually short script, easier that way) I am now using:
At one end:

pppd ttyS0 38400 \
    noauth debug crtscts local

At the other end:

pppd ttyS0 38400 \
    noauth debug crtscts local \

To do: - increase speed to 115200 if it will work (should)
       - use keyword `passive' so I don't have to hurry from
         one pc to the other when starting the pppd

>From man pppd
local  Don't use  the  modem  control  lines.   With  this
       option,  pppd will ignore the state of the CD (Car­
       rier Detect) signal from the  modem  and  will  not
       change  the  state of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready)

My interpretation is that pppd just waits forever for one
of the modem control signals if `local' is not used.

I think this is a relatively new feature of pppd, since it
is not in the PPP-HOWTO and most people tend to
not know about it.

Thanks to Steve (pppd is better cos I don't have to recompile for it :)
and Mike (only have to spec ip nums at one end) for their replies.

All the best, Josh

On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 12:48:18PM +1000, Joshua Burvill wrote:
> Hi all,
> Basically when I run pppd on both machines I dont get an interface,
> ie `ifconfig -a' doesnt show any ppp ifaces
> According to the PPP howto it is very easy, but alas
> pc1   /dev/ttyS0 |=======================| /dev/ttyS0   pc2
>                      null-modem cable
> Test connectivity:  run  getty -L 38400 /dev/ttyS0  on pc2
>                     run  minicom                    on pc1 
>                                            with appropriate options set
>                   --> get a login -- OK
> remove getty, try to set up pppd:
> on pc1  /usr/sbin/pppd noauth crtscts lock \
>         /dev/ttyS0 38400
> on pc2 /usr/sbin/pppd noauth crtscts lock \
>         /dev/ttyS0 38400
> (and many variations on this...)
> Only get like:
> May 11 10:25:44 debian0 pppd[678]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
> I think I should see like:
> May 11 10:15:01 debian0 pppd[652]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
> May 11 10:15:01 debian0 pppd[652]: Using interface ppp0
>                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> May 11 10:15:01 debian0 pppd[652]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
>                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> May 11 10:15:31 debian0 pppd[652]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests 
> May 11 10:15:31 debian0 pppd[652]: Connection terminated.
> May 11 10:15:31 debian0 pppd[652]: Exit.
> which is just the log from just `pppd' in an xterm
> So I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction?
> - Josh
> -- 
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