On 16 May, Terry Collins wrote:
> Catie Flick wrote:
> ..snip...
>> I don't want to start a mail client war, but I've found tkrat to be just
>> that :)
>> http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~maf/ratatosk/
>> I've used it for a good 2 1/2 years now, and no complaints.
>> May not be what you're after, nor have all the features you want, it's
>> tk so it's a little uglier than, say, evolution or whatever, but I'm
>> happy with it.
> Can it pre-sort incoming mail?
> Can the mail folders have sub, sub-sub and sud-sub-sub folders?

by "pre-sort" do you mean procmail? :p

As I said, it may not have the features *you* want. So stop trolling ;-)
As far as I know about folders, there are several different types of
foldering that tkrat can do. I like my file folders, so I leave it that
way. There's also database folders (a tkrat thing to make searching
quick 'n' easy), there is the ability to access remote folders locally,
etc, etc. Have a look, I haven't explored all the options fully :)



 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.

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