Jamie Honan wrote:
> How about this: One person takes on the role of publishing once
> a week, in one email, job/contract vacancies. These would only be

Well, my general 2c I think is pretty clear and I think it works.

The Slug list is not currently overrun by people posting linux jobs.

The problem seems to be the blood sports that some people are squirmish
about. That guy is a spammer, full stop  (yep I received his spam
earlier this year but I have no record of sending anything to that

> [ Aside: The essence of why one short job notice might not be
> objectionable and another is seems to be whether the poster
> has contributed to SLUG in the past (apart from length and
> marketing type goobledegook).

The committee has to have some way of controlling the issue. If someone
is prepared to pay their membership/help out/etc, then I'm happy for
them to post the occassional linux position vacant. This is of course
self limiting because no-one is going to post something weekly or
monthly - would you work for a company with big turnover?

It does cost us to receive the message (however miniscule), so it is
only fair that they have contributed.

My general comments on someone compiling a list is;
    1) that these sort of efforts don't last,
    2) there is probably something more worthwhile (we need more fests),
    3) there are other suitable sources people can utilise without any

I plug Jobnet (http://www.jobnet.com.au) for one very good reason, it is
all IT jobs. It is nothing like the usual rabble of monster, fairfax,
hotjobs, etc. It also seems to include most agencies. If you sign up for
a daily email or 2,3,4,5...(sydney linux contract, sydney linux
permanent, sydney phb, etc, etc) they are usually in your mailbox the
next morning (not Monday) . You can even exclude the riff raff agencies

I also plug Techstreet (http://www.techstreet.com.au) because there is
only an introduction fee involved (if a job happens).

> It strikes me an easy way for a person or organisation to contribute
> on their terms is for us to provide for paid advertising.

Well, $25 membership is cheap advertising. Other people pay by helping
to organise/run/work at Fests. Hint; if your boss asks you about
advertising at Slug, tell him it will cost a few pizza, a slab or
something {:-)

I think anything else is problematic until the nature of the Linux
community changes. 

> The tone of responses seems that most of us would not particularly
> relish this. ]

I'm getting the impression that savaging agencies is "relished" here 

As Slug goes for consensus, don't be afraid to put in your 2c.
Alternatively, we might adopt online voting {;-)

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services <lan/wan, linux/unix, novell>

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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