Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Terry Collins">
> > Just checking. CARDLIST is from a debian distro?
> No, it's from the standard kernel tarballs; ought to be in kernel source
> packages for your distro too.

Nope, not there under RH7.0 and Suse6.4. All the files are cicra
1998/99. If you want to go beyond the basic/early 20 cards, then you
have to go into bttv.c (Metzlers prog of 1998) and add entries to
tvcards, which is what I had to do when I installed my Askey/Dynalink
card some time ago.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services <lan/wan, linux/unix, novell>

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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