Jeff Waugh wrote:

> <quote who="Andy Eager">
>> Has anyone downloaded the new version of Gnome 1.4 (the new 1.4 not the 
>> old 1.4 released a while back). 
> Heh, there's (so far) only one GNOME 1.4, but Ximian did upgrade their
> packages recently...

Yeh, I know and thats the problem.  They upgrade their packages  (quite 
considerably ) and still called it 1.4.  I know that's like having 
RedHat 6.2 with a 2.2.19 kernel, but at least in RedHat's case, the 
distro release does give some indication of backward compatability - Not 
the case here I can assure you.

>> I got the latest release from the ximian site last night, and loaded it up.
>> Now Mozilla mail (the funky new bluey / grey look) crashes when you try 
>> to compose an outgoing email (or forward an existing message).
>> Also Abiword seems to be even less stable and they have removed the 
>> 'classic' gnome look as an option on startup.
> I only use Ximian GNOME at work, and at the moment we're stuck with a
> dial-up connection so haven't upgraded yet. If no one else has tried, we can
> always find out from the Ximian monkeys (try their MonkeyTalk app, or #gnome
> on

If you keep a copy of the redcarpet package directory  
(/var/cache/redcarpet) somewhere on your network and then copy it back 
to /var/cache/redcarpet when you do your upgrade, it only takes an hour 
or two (closer to two but not 7 - 8 hours as the full 115 M from scratch 
would take).

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