...and then Raoul Golan said:
> Andre Pang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > report: win4lin 3.0 + kernel 2.4.4 + reiserfs works perfectly.  i even
> > munged it to work properly on a Debian system :).
> > 
> > i'll put up a webpage about it sometime soon if i get enough replies to
> > this message asking about it ...
> FWIW, I'd be interested to see how it can be installed under Debian...

For a while, Trelos^H^H^H^H^H^HNetraverse were releasing Win4Lin as Debian
packages, but they stopped when Win4Lin2 was officially released.  This is
no great loss.  The .debs were just a quick conversion; they installed into
/opt, and behaved exactly as the rpm packages did.

Bravd became aware that he had fumbled the initiative.
                   (Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic)

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