On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Laurie Savage wrote:

> The problem as I see it is that we tend to sound like Nerdy entusiasts (ok
> we are nerdy enthusiasts) and are not seen as offering real solutions. I

Laurie, what is the topic here? "Public" perceptions?
Linux offers real solutions in many areas.

> still think a real problem with GNU/Linux is that there is insufficient
> naive-end-user software.

Insufficient for what?
Why should Linux have _any_ naive-end-user software? You talk as if this
is self-evident.
  You make a general rant about the weaknesses of linux. OK, so what?
It doesnt make coffee very well either.

  Are you of the opinion that someone (who?) should write drool-proof
office apps? Why? Do you think it would be profitable? Perhaps you just
think it would benefit mankind, and would like to discuss how it might be
achieved. As it stands. Linux remains largely "by geeks, for geeks". Thats
still good for everybody, because the geeks run the fileservers,
webservers, development platforms, embedded systems, internet
infrastructure, commercial systems, etc that everyone benefits from.

  The "average joe" cant even program his video recorder. IMHO, Linux will
be in his home inside an "appliance" that does games, web-browsing,
video-streaming, DVD playing. It might be thin-client, or remotely
administered by a subscription service, like a Tivo.

Mike Holland  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything
about it."      -- Mark Twain

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