> DJ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Erik de Castro Lopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 7:59 am
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] [OT] Someone trying to hack me
> > Anybody who connects a windows box directly to the net is asking
> for
> > trouble, even if its just on a dial up modem.
> What a stupid fscking remark. I'm not even going to dignify your
> stupidity with further comment.

To be a bit more diplomatic, a WinXX box on the network is fine as long as it is
fully patched.
I won't make any snide remarks about how many patches that is, but making broad
sweeping statements like "people shouldn't run WinXX on live IPs" is just wrong.

Anyway, either thread==dead or thread->chat...


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