Hello All,

Just FYI the Linux Professional Institute has beta exams running through
VUE at this time, both 201 & 202 have been condensed into one beta and the
exam has been discounted to US $84.

See    http://www.vue.com/lpi/index.html#beta      for some more info

LPI needs this beta information so these exams can be finalized, in case
you are not aware, LPI *is* as far as I am concerned the only true vendor
neutral, non profit, community driven certification program, the exams are
developed by members of the Linux community (including some Australians),
so if you are interested, or know someone who may be, please take the exam
or pass this on.

LPI exams have become popular in the Pac Rim, where in countries like Japan
for example LPI has become the standard, as an Australian myself, I would
like to see more interest from Australia and New Zealand, the bottom line
is that it is up to us Linux users and advocates to decide if we want to
have some say in the certification space, I hope we all do -- I would love
*every* SLUG member and list user to know exactly what LPI is, and is

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me on or off list, or you may
want to look around the LPI website to know what LPI stands for..
www.lpi.org   chances are if you have a question, others may benefit as
well by keeping it on list.  

On a similar note, LPI is in the process of forming a body here, the
mission locally is one of promotion, if you are interested in helping at
all, please contact myself   greg  AT  lpi.org.au

Locally there are some volunteer spots that will need filling...

1       Advocates -- pretty simple, just spread precise information on LPI
2       News Person/s -- somoeone willing to contact press on relevant LPI news
3       PR person -- someone who is skilled at writing PR

LPI has had for some time an Australian specific mail list, you can see
more here  http://www.lpi.org.au/i-maillists.html


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia     PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts      US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.com    E-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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