I have a couple of Linux boxes connected to Bigpond Direct with modems that
use the same type of equipment and are are as close in configuration as I
could ever get them. One of them has this odd habit after 9-10 days of
connection time where the link is up but no traffic moves. When it's in this
state and I try and ping the machine from another network I get the
following response:

>From FastEthernet0.civ4.Canberra.telstra.net ( Source Quench

Resetting the link seems clear things up so I haven't been too worried about
given that it only happens every week or so. But as of yesterday this is now
happening about every 30 mins. Telstra has had a sticky beak and none of the
other customers have reported this fault so it looks like it's something
specific to the one site as my other machine that dials into civ6 from
another site has never had this happen.

I've checked for line noise, lowered the speed of the modem down to 33.6k
and swapped out the modem (same make/model but different unit) but the
problem persists. I can't think of anything that has changed over the past
few days (this machine has been operating for six months without too much
issue) although not long ago I did upgrad to kernel 2.4 (but both machines
have the same kernel).

I've googled and searched and the only reference I can find to "source
quench" is with HP servers. Anyone know what it means and/or what I should
test and look for to track this down?


Darrell Burkey @ Home
Canberra, ACT

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