On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 01:31:33PM +1000, Jill Rowling wrote:
> My understanding (from Rachel at the time) was they were running some very
> nice racked Netras; the only hassle was the Netras don't have removable
> media (Shock!) and have to be jumpstarted (Horror!).
> How hard is that? What on earth is the article going on about?
> Maybe the real truth is this:
> <tall tale>
> Maybe the Netras hadn't been paid for and had to be returned to wherever
> they came from and (Oh No!) now we have no servers.

My understanding is that excite@home sold all the boxes, and then
leased, them back to themselves to enable them to have a bit more cash
to work with before they went under.... so yeah Optus don't
get the boxes. I think in the spilt they also lost access to all of
excite's authentication and billing software, so it all needs to be
moved to Optus.

Optus run plenty of Netra's, and jumpstart them too.... I really think
it is an integration issue.

I also wouldn't be very suprised if the whole thing falls on its arse.


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