<quote who="Erik de Castro Lopo">

> > Unfortunately the CodeFest will not be on this weekend. 
> Bummer!!!!!

Yeah. :(

> > Perhaps after the pressure of Uni end-of-term exams and such. ;)

^ Turns out this was a major thing - I've got a few thank you emails for
putting it off so people could be involved. (Thank yous? For cancelling?
Holy cow! Anyway...)

> I had volunteered...
> Suppose I'll have to keep all this for next time.

Please do! I'll add these to the list of offered talks so we can catch you
out later. ;) Some of these could make good general SLUG talks too, btw
(and we'll need another talk for this month, as it happens).

- Jeff

    "Stay away from my house, you freak! Can't you see that everyone is     
             buying station wagons?" - Neal Stephenson, ITBWTCL             

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