On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 04:50:40PM +1000, Michael Lake wrote:

> Howard Lowndes wrote:
> > Have you considered doing rsync across machines. it is considerably faster
> > as it only transfers the changes.
> Ah that that would be sensible to run in between full tar backups. 
> Wow I am right at this moment doing an "apt-get install rsync" and
> will browse that info but I would still like to work out how to stream
> a tar backup over ssh correctly.

I use rsync to backup my laptop, which works great.  (I only found
just _how_ great it was when my laptop HD decided to die ...).

One tip if you're planning to use rsync to shovel across gigantor
amounts of data is to use rsyncd, don't run rsync over ssh if you
don't need the encryption.  rsync backing up to rsyncd runs _much_
faster than it tunneling over ssh, and you won't run into problems
caused by the ssh tunnel either.

#ozone/algorithm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          - trust.in.love.to.save

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