Thanks for the tip

<quote who="Booth, Christopher (Aus) - ATP">

> do you have gui ?

Yes but not running KDE or Gnome on this box. 

> check out kups and/or qtcups, there may even be a gnome config.
> also it should allow administration via the browser
> if I'm not mistaken is the administration page.
> You can use lynx to access it too, and has online help in html and pdf
> format

I was able to set up the printer and print a test page using lynx after
failing using skipstone and links. (both told me I did'nt have
permission but lynx gave me a second chance prompting me for username
and password.  This tool gave me access to some drivers which probably
came with the one of the cups packages.  Unfortunately although it made
a reasonable job of the test page I still couldn't print ordinary ascii
files and as I was running out of time reverted to using lpr and
apsfilter.  Apsfilter uses filters from ghostscript an produces
excellent results.

> It is very well documented, and of course has the documentation
> online. IMHO the easiest Unix Printing system around.

The quantity of documentation was great and I'm sure I'll eventually
work it out but that will be a project for another day.



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