"Silcock, Stephen" wrote:


> I'm also wondering about a backup device - DAT drives and media are big $$,
> previously I've just burnt CD's... any better ideas?

This is a bit like "how long is a piece of string"

Level (1) - You have a few(<600Mb) of critical files, or a similar
amount that only needs an occassional backup. - Burn a CD. Drives around
$500, media at $1-$2 each. Depending on speed of burner, somewhere
between 15 - 60 minutes (i.e daily at Lunch time at worst). I use this
method for critical files where time of recovery can be a consideration.
I also use it for time stamps of and archiving projects. Depending on
quality of CD's, they may out last you.

Level (2) - Backup Time is critical - Hard disk swap out - Hard disk
space is cheap. Cold swap tray start at $25 and hard disks under $200
for 20Gb, prices then start climbing fast. Be careful of someone quoting
similar prices to above then starting to talk hot swap(big $$$). Good
for big amounts of data in shortest time. Problematic with power spikes,
dropped hard disks, security, etc. 

Level (3) - Basic bulk backup - Use a tape drive - Buy the biggest tape
drive that you can afford - your aim is to get everything backed onto
one tape. Then buy 10 - 50 tapes. The number depends on frequency and
type of backup and the reason(s) you backup. Almost a book in itself.

Level (4) - enterprise - definitely Tape, consider autochanger, unless
you are prepared to mind the tape drive.

BTW - I also sell HW, but Athlon Slot A is only MSI mobo atm (various
combo for that OS) and I haven't installed Linux on one yet.
   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
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   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Books, Computers, GIS>

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