\begin{Bill Bennett}
> \usepackage{pstricks,pstcol,pst-poly,pst-node,multido}
> \PstPolygon[unit=7.5,PolyNbSides=9,PolyOffset=2]
> and can report that you'll get a nine-sided "overlapping"
> polygon.
> Can some kind soul tell me how to make the outline thicker?
> \fboxrule doesn't work.

iirc, the "standard pstricks" method is the "linewidth" option:


> Also, could someone tell me how to fill the polgon with a colour?

again, the pstricks convention is a starred function:


failing that you could maybe make it a path and then fill the
path. see chapter VIII of pst-usr[1-4].ps

personally, i'd just use metapost:

 numeric sides, radius;
 path c;

 sides = 9;     % number of sides
 radius = 2cm;  % radius (in TeX units)

 c = fullcircle scaled radius;
 % add "rotated 20" to the above line if you want
 % to rotate the polygon by 20 degrees

 % change "draw" to "fill" to get a filled polygon
   point 0 of c
     for i = 1 upto sides-1:
       -- point (length(c)*i/sides) of c
   -- cycle;


chuck that in poly.mp (or similar) and run:
 mpost poly.mp && mv poly.1 poly.eps

(you've gotta love a language where you can use a for loop in the
middle of a statement..)

 - Gus

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