If you are dual booting, and partitioning with Partition Magic, I think it
only recognises EXT2 and Swap as Linux partitions, could have changed for
the latest version.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Pang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2001 5:30 pm
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Filesystem flame^H^H^H^H^H discussion.

On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 05:12:13PM +1100, Catie Flick wrote:

> >   Check this out: http://www.namesys.com/
> I dunno, but a site that has "testimonials" for their fs makes me think of
> various "fast-acting fat-sucking weight-loss therapies'" sites. :-)

Well ... to defend them, they are a business, and testomonials do
help when selling your product.  Even if the evidence is
anecdotal, I think that reiserfs powering sourceforge.net and
cvs-mirror.mozilla.org is a pretty good testament that it can be
very reliable.  Very different from weight-loss-foo-ninja
therapies :).

#ozone/algorithm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          - trust.in.love.to.save

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