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On 1/12/2001 at 7:48 AM Jeff Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/slug] wrote:

><quote who="Craig Warner">
>> I strongly recommend that both a representation from SLUG and 
>> ComputerBank be at this meeting.
>I spoke to Craig at the SLUG meeting about this; I'll be calling NOIE on
>Monday and seeing if we can arrange something. It may be advantageous to
>have someone representing the Linux-Education groups, such as Linux in
>Australian Schools. Ken?

The LPI ?

>[ Also, I have an appointment with my local MP, to discuss IT issues from
>govt. perspective. I will not be bringing up the 'r' word. ;) ]

Want any help here ? I believe locally we have a responsibility to advocate
to the Govt here not just for use, but for development as well.

I like the idea of being pro active with our Govt., we need to find time to
talk Jeff ;-)


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia     PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts      US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.com    E-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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