<quote who="Stephan Borg">

> > I think this is pretty far from the truth nowadays. Small business
> > people who know bits and pieces about computers and are investigating
> > technology definitely know about Linux. To a lesser extent "Open
> > Source", and to a far lesser extent, "Free Software". It's just been too
> > all over the magazines to miss (think PC User, APC, PC World etc).
> Most of the small business owners I have dealt with are barely computer
> literate, let alone reading magazines like PC User, etc. I've always
> understood that if their accountants, TV servicemen or web designers, that
> they are probably spending what little spare time they have keeping up or
> catching up on their own trade and not what their PC can do for them.

Note: "Small business people who know bits and pieces about computers and
are investigating technology definitely know about Linux."

> It's a lot easier to go to your local computer shop and get support for
> the majority of applications on a Windows box than to go look for someone
> with StarOffice or PostgreSQL experience.

Oh yeah, I didn't think of them. ;)

> In fact, I'd say the majority of local computer shops, Harvey Normans, etc
> wouldn't even have one support person who knows anything about Linux.

Let it not go unsaid that they generally don't have a support person who
knows anything about Windows. :)

- Jeff

    "Stay away from my house, you freak! Can't you see that everyone is     
             buying station wagons?" - Neal Stephenson, ITBWTCL             
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