I was thinking the exact same problem when I logged into my Pine client
just now.

I think the Pine password thing is probably because Peter is running an
IMAP session as I am.

Frankly I wouldn't trust the M$ .pwd files anyway, likewise M$.

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Michael Lake wrote:

> Peter Meyer wrote:
> >
> > G'Day Troops,
> F Troop replying here.
> > Using PC-Pine on my windows box I can escape the drudgery of typing my
> > password every time I open PC-Pine by creating the file pine.pwd in my
> > C:\programs\pine directory
> > The question is, can I do this on my RH 7.2 box, what do I name the file,
> > and where do I put it.
> When I sued to use Pine on my RedHat system I didnt have a passwd for Pine.
> In fact I dont think Pine itself has a passwd as its not needed on Linux.
> You have to login and get a shell up to start Pine so how can anyone  use
> Pine without knowing your login passwd.
> Looking thru my old .pinerc config file there is no mention of any password.
> Does it ask you for a password?
> PS. I notice you seem to be sending your mail from root. Not a good idea.
> Send it when logged in as a normal mortal user :-)
> Mike

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