Michael Lake wrote:

> > It's not really an issue anymore.
> Yes it is. It's the 21st century, we have had word processors for yonks
> and there is still no stable open document exchange standard that is widely
> used (SGML could have been it but it aint). I NEED one, we all need one
> but consumers are too blinkered to see that they need to demand one.

Proprietary document formats present a serious problem for governments
and other agencies that must keep a public record. Far too many docs
are written in Word, etc., that will likely be unreadable in years
to come. Even now, the latest version of Word cannot read version created
as little as ten years ago. <SIGH>

ASCII seems to be the best format around: plain text or some markup


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services Pty Limited

We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity
has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
                          -- Richard Dawkins
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