if no one has answered
details about your MTA (aka qmail, sendmail, exim etc)
and your pop daemon will be helpful

there may be a lockfile in addition to permissions


Shannon wrote:

> Hi people,
> I nedd a little help. I am trying to get my pop3 server back up and 
> running here at home, after it decided to die today. However I am 
> getting a failing error on login. I have looked through my logs and am 
> getting
> Error opening or locking INBOX user=
> I am assuming this is a permissions problem but I am not sure exactly 
> what the permission need to be on the mail spool files. 777? 477? 4777?
> any help would be great.
> - Shannon

--                                               --
ME: http://dean.bong.com.au        ICQ: 16867613

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