On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 14:45:57 +1100
"Brett Fenton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> WordPerfect has been released and withdrawn by Corel for the Linux platform,
> thus not requiring the use of Wine. 

OK, I stand corrected as far as the requirement for Wine goes. Still, a quick google I 
just performed seems to confirm my suspicion: neither WordPerfect or StarOffice appear 
to exist in ppc versions... If they do exist, they certainly aren't easy to find so I 
doubt they'd be included in that "Learning Linux" book the original poster was talking 

Of course, I've been known to be wrong now and then... :)

"All I know is that I'm being sued for unfair business practices
 by Microsoft. Hello pot? It's kettle on line two..." 
 - Michael Robertson, founder of Lindows 

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