When I do a df on my filesystem the /tmp partition shows:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6               248895    177996     58049  76% /tmp

but if I do:
# for i in * ; do du -s $i ; done
then I get:

1       .ICE-unix
1       .X0-lock
1       .X11-unix
1       .font-unix
6       A0037194.23644DEFANGED-HTML
9107    Mates73.mdb
0       OSL_PIPE_0_SingleOfficeIPC_131730
0       OSL_PIPE_0_SingleOfficeIPC_196638
0       OSL_PIPE_500_SingleOfficeIPC_196638
4       ksocket-lannet
1       ksocket-root
2       letter
12      lost+found
39041   matedata97.mdb
7       mcop-lannet
1       mcop-root
3       pico.011982.bak
2       pico.015000.bak

No way does this add up to 177Mb, so where has it gone, or more
importantly, how do I find out where it has gone?

The OSL_PIPE* are sockets, could this be where things are disappearing to?

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