On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 10:26:12AM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Matthew Palmer">
> > Linux doesn't have 'firewall products', per se.  You use one of ipfwadm,
> > ipchains, or iptables (depending on kernel version) to set up rules in the
> > kernel which are then used to block/allow/filter/redirect/<whatever> traffic
> > between interfaces.
> All of which are crazy-crack and hard to configure (the elitists in the back
> row can kiss my...) -> I believe the poster is looking for firewall
> configuration software, not the chunks of metal shavings that actually do
> the work down at the bottoms levels of Obscurity Central Station.

Doing my usual plug for freshmeat ;) - there are a lot of projects around on
freshmeat - so many they're coming out of my ears! Well, not exactly.
Anyway, have a look around there - a new ratings system has come in recently
that might help you find a good one.

Personally I've only ever used Bastille Linux to 'harden' a box, and have
sat down with the 'Linux Firewalls' book by Ziegler (excellent excellent
reference) and taught myself ip[chains|tables] because I didn't really trust
the script generators myself :-)



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"How do I get it out of my computer? disconnect does not work, It comes
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