Hi all,

The news server here at the Uni of Technology, Sydney no longer seems to be
operational (news.uts.edu.au). I have not been able to find out why or who 
looks after it so I am looking for another source of news for comp.text.tex 
(no not alt.bins). I tried news.unsw.edu.au and it told me that it wasn't
going to talk to me but at least it said hello unlike the one here at uts.
The news server at Syd Uni only has one newsgroup for societies. Google
shows lots of servers but I wanted to use one in Australia and pref from a
uni as uts would pay less. Anyone use one regularly and know one that is up?
I dont want a web based one, they suck :-)

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Michael Lake, University of Technology, Sydney
Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02 9514 1628 
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Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything technical.

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