I've got into one of those cyclic dependency treadmills on RH7.1
As I install each one, another previously undisclosed dependency appears. I've searched the slug archive.. but it seems there is no hope but to change to Debian. Someone tell me this isn't true :( What is the likelihood that this kind of upgrading is going to break something apparently unrelated? Is it easier just to go upgrade the entire system to a later RH version? David. PS: mod_throttle requires apache-1.3.23-5 apache-1.3.23-5 requires db3-devel-3.2.9-4 db3-devel-3.2.9-4 requires db3.2.9 apache-1.3.23-5 requires libmm.so.11 etc...... :( -- SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/ More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug