Well I atually have two windows machines on my network and neither can ping 
the linux box...but I can ping each windows box from the other one...

At 08:35 AM 14/03/2002 +1100, you wrote:
>On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 20:58, Adam Hewitt wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am trying to get sshd working on my debian gateway at home. I have
> > installed the ssh package and have sshd running, I have run the ssh-keygen
> > program and copied the private key to my windows box to run with
> > TerraTerm-SSH, and it isn't working. I turned on the verbose debugging on
> > the sshd, and didn't get anything....
> >
> > As I stood around scratching my head, I thought I would just try to simply
> > ping the debian gateway (which isn't yet running as a gateway) from my
> > windows box, and got nothing. I tried it from the other windows box and
> > also got nothing. However if I try and ping from the debain box I can ping
> > both windows machines and I have internet access (through windows internet
> > sharing).
> >
> > If I run ifconfig I can definitely see the IP address and everything is
> > configured.
> >
>Just a thought, if you can ping debian->windows but not windows->debian
>and your windows machine was two networks attached, have you checked
>your routing?  (Don't ask me how on a windows machine!)
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