Jamie Wilkinson dribbled 07/03/2002 23:42 ...Quote>
Pfft, installing Debian is child's play.  All it requires is a small amount
of literacy and some common sense.  Or is that too much to ask?


I'm too old to be a child, so I hope thats the problem!!

I have at least a base kernel loaded, ( I think) , But I was unable to 
make a boot disk .
The install progressively threw out every floppy I tried to write to, 
new, old, unformatted, formatted with ext2, windows.
That doesn't worry me, I'll keep installing till I get it up.
Each Disk had a warm-up done on it, and the message came up to add a 
line to /etc/driveprm
drive 0: deviation xxxxxx
xxxxxx changed  every time, occasionally came up several times, but 
never in succession.
The numbers were positive or negative, and ranged from   113840 to - 4240.
Question . Is it telling me there is something wrong with the floppy 
drive, or just having hysterics
cause the driveprm is wrong . Obviously I can't get in during install to 
modify the file.
The box is now obsolete, (six months old) the drive still works ok for 
other OS's

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