In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, jason 
ndrade writes:
>On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, David Fisher wrote:
>> If you check /pub/java/debian/dists/woody/non-free/binary-i386 on 
>uhm, you've lost me.   there is no /pub/java/debian on planetmirror.
>hmm.  do you mean /pub/java/linux/debian ?  this is not an archive
>carried from the debian group - it's a mirror of the blackdown site
>(or whatever it calls itself now) and handled separately.
>unfortunately i have gotten no email responses from that group in
>an effort to update the archive which is why it has stayed out of
>date and my previous contact within that group is no longer there.

<wipe egg of face> Er, yes, that is what I meant...</wipe egg off face>

>> but at we find in /pub/java/debian/dists/woody/non-free/binary-
>> 6:
>i will once again attempt to contact them and in the meantime will switch
>updates back on and point them at tux in the meantime.  this update is
>happening now.

Oh.  Good-oh.

>> The long and the short of it is that planetmirror is missing the 1.3_1.3.1 
>> release of July 2001.  Only a year behind. Not bad.
>that's probably about the time moved stuff and mirroring broke.

Fair enough.

>> And yes, I have previously written to planetmirror to bring this to their 
>> attention.  I did not get the courtesy of a reply.
>apologies - we do get a lot of mail and i might have inadverdently deleted it
>in the deluge of spam that seems to be my mailbox's lot in life :-/

Fair enough also.  You don't have that on your own. ;-P

>> Since planetmirror now seems so concerned about getting its house in 
>> could this now be addressed?
>you betcha.


>> Sorry if I come over all tetchy this morning but the ABC is playing 
>> Katchaturian's Violin Concerto at the moment.
>> What utter shit.
>Oh.  you prefer the Katchaturian Violin Concerto Dance/Rap Mix ?  (duck)

For once, it could only be an improvement.




David (happy now they're going to play some Shostakovich shortly....)

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