On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 22:43, Dan Treacy wrote:
> anyone know either a list of apt repositories for woody in Oz or know of any
> on the primus network??


> I've tried mirror.aarnet  and planetmirror  and even pacific.net.au  and all
> three keep timing out.. at this stage some of the OS mirrors are as quick as
> ones here in Oz

It downloads the mirror list, checks the speed of each mirror, and
writes a sources.list.


A six.  A three.  A five.
Something was happening to the five, however.  Battered by the chance
collision of several billion molecules, the die flipped onto a point,
spun gently, and came down a seven.
Blind Io picked up the cube and counted the sides.
'Come on,' he said wearily. 'Play fair.'
                   (Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic)

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