----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, March 25, 2002 6:48 am
Subject: [SLUG] lilo conf

> Hey people,
> I know this might frustrate some people because this sort of thing 
> has been
> discussed before but I just don't feel it is was covered well enough.
> Does know how I can edit my lilo.conf to make lilo boot the os 
> (windows 2k)
> on /dev/hdd?

> I have been searching the net for hours now and all I can find is 
> peoplewith instructions on how to make the w2k boot loader boot linux.
> They also say you must install windows on the first partition/hard 
> disk,then install linux.

That restriction is only applicable to Win9x, ie. Win95/8, WinME
Well, I'd say this suggestion is to simplify the procedures only.
 w2k --> linux
1) this way, you'd only need to add the entries I've added below to
2) you'll end up using lilo as the boot manager.
 linux --> w2k
1) this way, you'd need to issue a dd command, extracting the first 512
bytes (if my memory serves me correctly) of the linux partition and copy
that to the system partition of w2k.
2) you'll end up using w2k boot manager
> I already have Linux installed on /dev/had, I have my swap on 
> /dev/hdb, my
> cd-rom is on /dev/hdc and my "messing around" disk is on /dev/hdd.
> I boot into linux 99.8% of the time so I don't want to boot the w2k 
> bootload to get to linux.

Another way of doing it, is to use w2k boot manager and modify the
boot.ini file to load linux by default.
> I remember seeing something in a lilo.conf a while ago that said 
> somethinglike 
> other=/dev/hdx
> label=win
> map-drive=0x80
>            to=0x81
> map-drive=0x81
>            to=0x80

Actually, it's as simple as

That should work, I presume, since w2k doesn't mind residing in any
other disk or partition.
> I did try this but got an error from lilo (sorry I cant remember 
> what it
> said and I'm in the middle of reinstalling w2k)
> All feedback appreciated.

Hope that helps.


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