At 08 Apr 2002 19:49:36 +1000, Peter Hardy wrote:
>              Minutes of the SLUG committee meeting 26th March 2002

>    Suggestions for future talks:
>    As always, volunteers for these or any other talk would be most
>    welcome.

still willing to do "intro to emacs", "intro to perl" and "apache
internals / mod_perl" talks - if there's interest.

yes, the amount of "i like vi for coding and think php is a viable
programming language even though i've never known the alternatives"
talk thats going around is finally bugging me ;)

> SLUG website
>    Angus Lee's beta website ( was considered for
          (Lees')  (i think. i never did get an authoritive answer on that)
>    the final site, but concerns were raised about future maintainability.
>    The other alternative is Jeff Waugh's new website, which he will
>    demonstrate shortly after his return from Spain. It was agreed to
>    withhold a decision until then.

the code was meant to be fairly easy to read, so if there's any
particular part you think will be hard to maintain then let me know.

so far i've had no comments on what needs to be done to (other than improving the admin interface -
which no-one can actually see anyway).  comments actively sought.

(somehow i think i can see how this is going to pan out though..)

> Other activities

docfest in june. saturday 15th unless anyone has any objections.
(markup languages (troff, (La)TeX, Docbook), yada yada. proper
announce/CFP to follow room booking)

can whomever deals with room bookings please book me the (recently)
usual slug room at UTS.

 - Gus
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