I've just been catching up and this LinuxChix thread caught my attention.  I was 
wondering if I am the only full-time Mum with an interest in Linux.

This LinuxChix group sounds like something that might have been good for me while I 
was at Uni, but now my situation has changed.  Night outs are more complicated with a 
6 month old baby.  Is there any interest in day time meetings?

Also thinking about the ways in which Linux could be deployed in the area of 
homeschooling: locally caching online books, tutorials and other informative webpages 
to save on internet time and keep kids on track; teaching programming skills; each 
child customising their own account without effecting others; using older computers - 
saving money ----- any more ideas?

A lot of the homeschoolers I know are idealists, I'm sure they'd warm to Linux if they 
had the chance.


(  (\ /)   Web pages, fine art, graphic design,
)  (@.@)   gregorian chant typesetting,
---c-`-c-- http://home.pacific.net.au/~pnvbrandt/
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