
> Thirdly, I have a largish HDD, and rather than re-format the whole 
> thing, if I could somehow 'create' a multiboot with Linux/Windoze 
> over my existing system, it would be better.  I've heard lots of 
> different stuff, the upshot was that most say you can't, and one guy 
> said you can, with Partition Magic.  Any ideas?
> Fourth, if I CAN'T do #3 is it easy/possible to setup a new hard 
> drive and boot between the two?

Another option if you only want to dip your toe in the water is to 
use the REDHAT 7.1+ install cd. There is an option on install (I forget what
its called that that creates a loopback filesystem. This creates your linux
partions as files that sit on top of you windows file system. 

The performance is not as good and it means you have to boot from floppy but
it may be a nice safe way to go....

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