heya guys,

I'm trying to set up a home network between my two machines (onw
windows, one linux) and my flatmate's windows box using the linux box
(with two network cards in it) as a routing hub. I have currently got
the linux box able to ping both windows machines (and them able to
ping it) by adding the windows machines to /etc/hosts, and adding
direct routes to them on the routing table. However, neither windows
machine can ping the other.
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is set to 1, and I have fiddled with the
options in netconf (the networking subpart of linuxconf)'s routing
section (the same app I used to add the direct routes to the routing
table) to attempt to get my machine to be able to forward packets. I
have also looked at netcfg but no joy there. The network is set up as

linux box (RedHat 7.2 (more or less stock install)):
eth0 =
eth1 =

windows1: (connected to

windows 2: (connected to

and the routing table looks like

windows1 UGH     0 0 0   eth0
windows2 UGH     0 0 0   eth1       *                  U 0 0 0   lo

both of the windows machines have the correct default gateways

I'm probably missing something really obvious here, but I've tried
pretty much every combination of options in netconf's routing section,
and I'm damned if I can think of anything else that I should do.....

If anyone can see anything obviously wrong here please put me out of
my misery and let me know, or if you could point me in the right
direction that'd be much appreciated too.

Thanks heaps in advance

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