Wienand Ian wrote:
> is probably a better place to ask.  I think it is a
> fairly general consensus that Telstra ADSL pretty much sucks, and so this
> affects all of their resellers.  But getting a good reseller is probably the
> key -- even if it is a Telstra fault you still have to go through your
> reseller to get it fixed, and if their service is not up to scratch, good
> luck. My complaint with my ADSL provider (Netspace) is before the TIO
> currently so I won't comment any more.

I've heard that Telstra fall down in the quality
and speed of their authentication and dns servers,
so if you get the right reseller it could be a lot
better.  On this score I've heard Pacific Internet
are good.  I've used Zip for a long time (but not for dsl)
which is now owned by Pacific, and they're still pretty good.

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