SLUG Committee Meeting, 30th April 2002

Present:        Jeff Waugh
                Jamie Wilkinson
                Mary Gardiner
                Tony Green
                Jan Schmidt
                Peter Hardy
Apologies:      Craige McWhirter

Previous minutes:
        -> To be posted to ctte first.
        -> Need clear action items.

        * Previous minutes acepted.

        -> Jeff, Jamie and Craige to meet on Thursday 2nd to change account
        -> Once updated, Jamie to pay outstanding debts.
        -> Jamie to update address details with insurance company.

Video camera:
        -> Tony to post to SLUG list, looking for opinions and ideas.
        -> Jan to keep looking to identify exactly what we need.

Meeting debriefing:
        -> Tony to negotiate with Spice Boys for a better deal.

        * We know how to make the projector work, now.
        * Timing is still an issue.  We need to come up with a firm
          meeting timetable, and stick to it, so people know what to
        * The new restaurant was good, but people seemed concerned about
          the value-for-money.  Part of this was the larger-than-expected
          turnout for the meal.
        * Might be worthwhile changing restaurants on a regular basis?

Constitution changes:
        -> Mary to make the following additional changes to the
           - "Written notice" and other forms of written interchange may
             take place via digitally signed email.
           - Committee meetings may take place in electronic forums
        -> Mary to publish notice of General Meeting and proposed
to the Constitution.
        -> Tony to organise printed copies of the proposed changes for
           distribution at the General Meeting.
        -> Mary to determine whether proxy votes will be permitted at
           the General Meeting, and the rules governing proxy voting.
        -> Jamie to check the regulations regarding the appointment of
           our Registered Public Officer (currently Gus Lees), and
           change details if necessary.

        * Although this isn't strictly permitted under the current
          Constitution, original notice of the upcoming General Meeting
          will be sent out to members electronically.  This is necessary
          as we don't currently have physical address details of our
          members.  Members requiring written notice are advised to
          inform the committee.
        * Many thanks to Mary for the fine job she's done amending the

Special Interest Groups:
        -> Jeff to draft apology letter on behalf of the committe to
           LinuxChix for the behaviour shown on SLUG following the
           LinuxChix announcement.  Ctte to approve before forwarding to
           SLUG and LinuxChix mailing lists.
        -> Mary to determine if LinuxChix still want to be involved with

        * PIG (Python Interest Group) granted formal approval.  Jeff
          nominated, Jamie seconded.  No objections.
        * Subcommittees will be appointed to govern the activities of
        * Ctte have offered web space and mailing lists to LinuxChix.
        * We would like to see LinuxChix events run as a
          loosely-affiliated SIG.  This can be done without requiring
          all LinuxChix members to join SLUG, and grants coverage by our
          public liability insurance.

Linux Workshop:
        -> Tony to delegate subcommittee to organise workshop.

        * Craige decided to step down from organising the workshop, due
          to personal commitments.  Tony will be taking over, and the
          Workshop will be going ahead 3rd August.
        * It was felt that delegating an official subcommittee for
          organising the workshop will encourage greater participation.

Next SLUG meeting:
        -> Mary to book additional room for meeting.

        * The membership has expressed a desire, at the meetings and on
          the mailing list, to split the meetings into two streams.  We
          will be trying this format this month, with an advanced talk,
          and a seconded presentation aimed at more novice members.
        * We need to be more proactive in securing notes, slides, and
          other material from speakers for the website.
        * The possiblity of moving the meeting to another night was
          discussed, with no firm decision.  Needs to be discussed on
          the mailing list.

Linux conference:
        -> Peter to organise and distribute more promotional material.
        -> Peter to post to the mailing list seeking numbers for group
           conference and travel bookings.

Ideas for future talks:
        New ones: Job scheduling.  General mail configuration and use.
        Linux resources.
        Old ones: Jan Schmidt offered a talk on various video issues
        Linux. Desktop software comparisons (GNOME, KDE, ...).
        Distribution introductions and comparisons. Linux communities.
        Network bootstrapping with cfengine. Migrating to Linux.
        Contributing to Linux (for coders and non-coders). Migration
        from one Linux solution to another (eg: sendmail to postfix).
        Managing spam. Linux for corporate desktops.

Upcoming events:
        * 4th May - Sailing and picnic
        * 31st May - SLUG meeting
                General Meeting
                Talks to be confirmed
        * 3rd August - Linux Workshop

Peter Hardy
SLUG Secretary

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