At Thu, 23 May 2002 16:07:31 +0800, henry wrote:
> 1.  I use ct-x ct-f  to find file-A ,then ct-x i to insert file-B
>      then c-x 2 to list 2 files simultaneously in separate windows
> horizontally
>      ,but I get file-A,file-A,how do I get file-A,file-B?

umm.. you just inserted fileB *into* fileA. this means there is only
one buffer open: one that contains fileA with fileB inserted into it

what you want to do is C-x C-f fileA followed by C-x C-f fileB. then
C-x 2 to split the screen. then C-x b to switch which buffer is
displayed and perhaps C-x o to move the cursor to the other window.

i really suggest you have a go at the emacs tutorial (C-h t).

> 2. How do I switch to c-mode  or text-mode ? (c-mode is used by c-programmer
> ,Commands under text-mode is almost the same as  fundmental mode)

if you open a .c or .txt file, it should choose the mode
automatically. otherwise do M-x text-mode or M-x c-mode to manually switch.

> 3. How do I change options in Xemacs ?(I use   f10   to change options in
> Emacs)

C-h C will run customize. otherwise you can choose things from the
(fairly obviously named, imo) Options -> Customize -> Emacs menu

 - Gus
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