Just to indicate why the sysadmin/user ratio is important:

Consider over 6 years. TCO for Linux vs MS.

Assumptions: Sysadmins cost you an average of $75K/year counting
on-costs (ie super, govt taxes, deskspace, leasing equip etc, etc).

If the ratio users they can support is 1:100 for Linux (which I suspect
is true) and 1:30 for Microsoft (again this is my experience). The cost
benefit is:

Linux $2,025,000.00
Microsoft $8,608,000.00

Go MS - pay extra - $6,583,000.00

Calc: $75000*6years*5 Sysadmins for Linux vs $75000*6years*15 MCSEs for

ie every year costs an extra $1M _excluding license fees.

If you have any figures for comparison even from your own experiences
please help.


Stuart Guthrie

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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