Hi all,

I have just setup a DVD-RAM drive for a user in his redhat 7.3 machine.
Installation was easy with kudzu detecting it fine and adding the device
name /dev/cdrom1. I then added the line to fstab:

/dev/cdrom1  /mnt/dvd  ext2  noauto,users,exec,kudzu,rw 0 0

Usage is fairly simple:

1. mke2fs -b 2048 /dev/cdrom1
2. mount /mnt/dvd
3. Copy files using 'cp' to /mnt/dvd for backup - easy!

and you can do a similar thing with the udf file system, command
being mkudffs instead of mke2fs.

However steps 2 and 3 can be done by the user but the first step, creating
the file system on the DVD must be done as superuser. Is there anyway
to change this? Note that this machine is used solely by this one user
(for numerical simulations) so changing something that you wouldn't
normally change in a system with alot of users is an option here.....

I presume Cd-burning under linux has a similar problem? ie when ever I've
started up xcdroast on a users machine it always asks for the SU
passwd even though within CD roast I have ticked the box that lets users

Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)



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