
Just replaced a doze2000 box with a Samba server, so far ok 'cept
for a couple of clitches.

A user claims that when they tried to open a file it refused saying
that the file was open by someone else. User claims that no-one else
would have had the file open. Closed the 'doze application (word)
and re-tried, file opened fine. Is this just windoze mystery bug
#1827636 or is there some way Samba could be implicated. Is there
a file locking, ignore locking option in Samba, I don't recall seeing
anything reading the documentation.

When the Samba server is real busy (like doing a backup to tape and/or
disk) using an application like word on the windoze box becomes terribly
slow, with the keyboard cursor falling behind badly. What gives? The
user isn't saving the file just moving around and typing and I thought
that word would be holding all that data in memory. Does word/doze
monitor the file server all the time, even if the user isn't reading or
writing a file?

Another user tried to copy an entire directory onto the server
overwriting the existing directory contents. Received an open file error
similar to the first person. Claims that no other user could have had the
file open and that by copying a single directory at a time they were able
to succeed.

I must say I'm a bit confused about the open file thing, I thought that
Unix didn't care, if two users opened the same file, then the last one
to save was the winner. Does anyone have a cluestick to hit me with on
this. File system is ext3 does that have any implications?



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