On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 09:10, Richard Luckhurst wrote:
> Hi List
> I have been asked to look into an interesting project for a client
> of mine. I have to use a Linux box at both sites the client operates.
> I have to have 6 serial ports available at the remote site. At the main 
> site I have to recover the 6 serial ports so they can be plugged into
> a proprietary terminal server along with another 30 serial devices.
> I am intending to get the 2 Linux boxes connected with a simple dial
> up PPP link. I have found a number of suitable 8 port serial cards
> that will take care of the extra ports. Has anyone ever had any 
> experience in multiplexing and then demultiplexing serial ports
> in this way? The main requirement is the devices at the remote end
> should see the terminal server at the main end as if there were no link.
> The serial devices only operate at 9600 and there is not a great deal
> of data involved.

What are you using software wise?

I set up something similar for a client ages ago, the diff being that my
client wanted to have telnet access from any of the clients on his vpn
anywhere, so we went the tcp/ip->serial option. I can't remember which
program we used, but this one looks interesting:


Once you had that running, if you wanted serial access on the other end
you could do something insane like run netcat from a getty to connect it
to the serial device. There's some other tools which give you something
like screen for serial ports, and allow multiple clients to read with
one of them getting a write lock.

But yeah, I mostly mention it because I thought it might be of interest
to have the ability to have it accessible from anywhere in a network -
and it seems that it's easier to set up.



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