Title: How do I play DVDs under Linux?

Using RedHat 7.3.

I've installed xine and xine-ui 0.9.13 from source tarballs.  I think it's all working now... except all of my DVDs come up with errors about encrypted playback not being allowed, so I can't be sure.

I installed RPMs of libdvdread (0.9.3-ogle1) and libdvdcss (1.2.2-fr1) but still no joy.

I tried using ogle, but whenever I click on a button nothing happens except for 'unhandled dvdctrl event type(X)' appearing in the debug window.

How can I get access to my legitimately bought DVDs using Linux?  I couldn't find an answer in the archives, and I figure I can't be the only person trying to do this.

        - Doug

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