Im running rh-8.0 on a new compaq evo n1000c.

Ive managed to get X up and running ok, gnome work fine - but I dont like
gnome (or kde), Im a WindowMaker man.

WindowMaker and at least one other app (rxvt) dont recognise my enter key
correctly.  Ive tried the WindowMaker I complied and the rpm included with
the disto and they both have the same problem; Ive only tried my own
complied rxvt.

with rxvt, when logged in as myself I get an "m" showing on screen instead
but when logged as root it looks like a backspace. Note that xterm and
gnome-terminal do the right thing.

I dont seem to have problems with console based apps but did until I
removed some of my .*rc files.

any ideas?

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