1. make sure there is a clear path for the air....if there isnt a clear
path through the box you end up with a air pressure in-balance causing
the fans to work harder and so they are noisy.

2. dont setup all the fans so they either blow or suck air from the box
they should be in such a way that there is just as much air going in via
a fan than out.

3. If you have an un-balanced fan often simple things like adding rubber
spacers to the screw nuts between the case and the fan works wonders.

4. You can actually buy balanced fans and tested fans often you can spot
them by the small drill indents in them were the fan shaft is. (I think
they use lasers now to do the balancing )

5. If all fails stop buying cheap fans you tight wad......lol

To round it off high rpm and or large fans are the noisy ones....many
people go for the one small/medium fan at stupid overly fast rpm ratings
and then wonder why the things don't last and are noisy as hell.

What do I use.....2 well balanced large low rpm fans with rubber
standoffs........now to just figure out how to stop the hardisk annoying

On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 23:32, Russell Davie wrote:
> Hi there..
> As things get hotter,  I installed some case fans and now the box its 
> sounding like a hive of angry bees...
> Any clues on where to get quiet fans?, or just get some ear plugs?
> Russell
> ----

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* Hey if you're going to get mad at me every time I do something   *
* stupid, then I guess I'll just have to stop doing stupid things! *

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