On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 09:00, Ken Foskey wrote:
> Schools net have disabled port 80 and I have to use the upstream proxy.
> As far as I understand it I have to setup the upstream under cache-peer
> and the type of parent.
> To actually find out the settings I 'should' be able to pull the .pac
> file and read it to find out the settings.  Is there any way I can
> automate so that it uses the .pac file to find the upstream proxy so
> that reconfiguration is done in a 'normal' manner for the schools net
> administrators.

You'll need to teach squid to parse and process .pac files. IIRC there
is an ECMAScript library around somewhere. Grabbing the pac file
internally is quite easy in squid-3, and not-quite-so-easy but still not
hard in 2.x. Use an event to refresh the .pac at regular intervals.

Finally, you may need to refactor some of the squid code to allow more
dynamic reconfiguration - but that will depend on how radical a change
the .pac file may go through. Most stuff should be trivial to change.


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